How to Eat Clean While on the Road

How to be Healthy when your work is on the road

Maybe you’re a truck driver? Maybe you travel a lot for work?

Here are some ways to be healthy away from home!

1. Always carry your water with you. You are going to want to drink at least half your weight of lbs in oz. So example: If you weight 200lbs you will want to drink 100oz of water.

Really want to be a water champ? Take a gallon with you and make it a point to drink the entire gallon. 

2. Have snacks available
Make it a point to schedule in snack times. You either want to be eating 5-6 small meals a day for optimal metabolism boosting or eating 3 meals and 2 snacks. Don’t just snack randomly, but schedule them into your day. There are plenty of quick and easy, healthy snack options you can munch on while on the road.

Remember to pre portion out the appropriate amount into little snack baggies as to not go overboard!
Here are just a few ideas
*Raw veggies
*Granola bars
*Protein bars
*Shakeology shakes
*Rice cakes – can’t do plain? There are plenty of yummy flavored options!
*Trail mix
*Yogurt pouches

3. Take meals with you
If you’re able to carry an insulated cooler with you, you should be able to pack healthy meal options that can be eaten cold.

*Grilled chicken wraps
*Lean burger on pita
*A-Mayes-ing Chicken salad (on bed of lettuce or hands free in a wrap)
*Grilled chicken salad

4. Stake out healthy options when out for meals

If you’re unable to take your meals with you, say you’re on the road for more than one day at a time and you wont have a fridge available…

Check out healthy options around you where you make stops.
A lot of fast food places offer grilled chicken and salads- choose these first!
Research where you are going and what types of places you'll pass. Plan ahead. 

5. Set aside time to workout
All you need is 30 minutes a day!
Don’t think you can manage that? Start with just 10 minutes a day and gradually add in a little more every week. Soon 30 minutes a day will be a habit that you won’t even think twice about it!
Make yourself a schedule for the month! Writing it down will help you to reach these goals.

These 10-30 minutes can be a brisk walk. Staying in a hotel and have access to the internet? Ask me about how you can get workout programs on demand to do in your hotel room! No weights needed!

6. Make sure to wash your hands frequently
You might be in contact with a lot of germs while you’re out and about. Making sure to wash your hands frequently will help you to avoid getting sick. Keep hand sanitizer with you 

7. Get plenty of sleep
Some people may only need 4 hours a night and they function just fine but in order to give your body a little more of what it needs try to schedule in 6-8 hours a night. If you can get to bed at the same time every night, even better.

8. Get in your nutrients and vitamins
A great way to ensure you’re getting in your daily nutrients is with a healthy meal called Shakeology.
In just one easy meal you can get in over 70 dense super food nutrients.

Want to learn more about clean eating and how I can give you daily support on your fitness journey? Fill out my challenge group application !

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Want to learn more about Shakeology? And how it can help you? Message me!

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