Who doesn't love some stir fry? But what about all that sodium and added junk?
Not to mention you can save some moulah if you make it at home!
Here is my low fat, low sodium version of an all time favorite! And you can even make it low carb and skip out on the rice if you wish!
What you need:
1/2 cup cooked rice
3/4 cup cooked chicken or shrimp
1 cup veggies (bagged frozen mix works!)
4 egg whites
3tsp braggs amino acids
What you do:
I prefer to cook my rice in a rice cooker and do my chicken in the crock pot or pressure cooker!
PS you can cook frozen meat in the pressure cooker in a super short amount of time! Talk about life hack and life saver when you forget to pull meat from the freezer for dinner! #noexcuses
Cook egg whites in one pan with rice to warm it up
In another pan cook veggies, if they are frozen realize they will take a little longer
Add cooked chicken or shrimp to veggies when they are just about done.
Once all items are cooked, add them together in one big pan to keep them hot and mix
Add braggs amino acids
Add garlic if desired.
Serve and enjoy!
This amount is as follows according to 21day fix and 80day obsession meal plans
1.5 reds ❤
1 yellow💛
1 green💚
1 orange🎃
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