Kid nutrition

I am by far a perfect parent. I let my kid watch youtube videos at the table. Shame on me. Maybe I hover too much. Maybe I let her be too independent. But one thing is for sure.. as an RN and health coach that has a passion for nutrition.. that's one area where I am going to ensure that she is being offered healthy nutrient rich choices to fuel her growing body and mind. 

Most food habits are being formed by age 3!!! So if you have some young kiddos and you want them to make healthy nutrition choices to last a lifetime, I recommend you get started with them early! 
When they have healthy options, healthy options are what they choose! 
Not only do I offer my daughter whole natural foods like fresh fruit and veg, peanut butter, eggs and lean meat and whole grains... but I have this secret weapon for those days when all she wants are gummy bears and goldfish! 
She calls it "chocolate heart" - I call it a life saver! It's our new product, Daily Sunshine. Formulated just for kids! 
It's all the awesomeness of Shakeology but broken down into kid form! And it's quick and easy to shake up with water and ice!

If you'd like to try some Daily Sunshine for your growing kiddos shoot me an email and I'll get some sent out your way! Chocolate or Strawberry banana are both approved by my little one! 

Reach us at or you can always find us on facebook!

Looking forward to hearing from you and making your parenting life easier! 

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