Padsicles ?! Post partum relief

Seriously! Mamas. If you're having a baby... you need this.

crunchy, crunchy mom, padsicle, padsicles, padcicle, post partum, postpartum, home birth, homebirth, after baby, vagina care post birth, vagina care, vaginal birth, hospital bag, birth bag, birthing, natural birth, birth kit, water birth, midwife, homebirtth midwife, witch hazel, pads, bleeding, post partum bleeding

Post vaginal delivery, the greatest relief. Padsicles.

So easy. And quick, cooling relief to the hooha!

What you need:

witch hazel

What you do:
open up pads
pour witch hazel over pads
fold back up
place in freezer bag
crunchy, crunchy mom, padsicle, padsicles, padcicle, post partum, postpartum, home birth, homebirth, after baby, vagina care post birth, vagina care, vaginal birth, hospital bag, birth bag, birthing, natural birth, birth kit, water birth, midwife, homebirtth midwife, witch hazel, pads, bleeding, post partum bleeding

When the time comes post birth.. put those puppies in your undies and have cooling relief plus protection from you know... the inevitable!

Looking to have a home birth or have questions of what you will need when you get home from the hospital? Or even looking for some ways to soften your cervix and prepare everything for birth?!?!

Check out my blog on Everything birth kit and postpartum needs! 
